Does Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee Require Traditional Surgery?

osteochondritis dissecans

When it comes to injuries, we understand that our patients want to avoid traditional surgery whenever possible. Compared to minimally invasive procedures, traditional surgery is much more difficult for patients to recover from and increases their risk of complications. It’s common for traditional surgery to be recommended to treat osteochondritis dissecans of the knee, but … Read more

How Can I Avoid Traditional Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Surgery?

posterior tibial tendon dysfunction surgery

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a common condition affecting many adults over 40 years of age, regardless of their level of activity. However, it also affects many athletes involved in high-impact sports. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction surgery is often used to provide patients with relief from pain, but most of the methods used to treat … Read more

What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease Pain: Discussing causes and non-surgical degenerative disc disease treatment options

Man playing golf in mid-swing against a blurred background of green grass and trees. Degenerative disc disease treatment options

Degenerative disc disease is a normal part of the aging process. In fact, some adults may show signs of degenerative disc disease on MRI without experiencing any symptoms! Unfortunately, others will experience painful and debilitating symptoms that can affect their quality of life. Pain caused by degenerative disc disease can also be referred to different … Read more

Can Orthobiologic Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis Help Me?

Older woman performing a yoga stretch while laying on a blue yoga on green grass. Options for osteoarthritis.

An estimated 80% of adults age 55 and older show signs of having osteoarthritis on X-ray. However, only about 60% of these people experience symptoms related to this condition. This translates to about 240 million adults worldwide that deal with pain caused by osteoarthritis. With so many adults currently dealing with this pain, and so … Read more

What Are Annular Tears and How Do They Affect Back Pain?

annular tears

Back pain is one of the most common conditions that adults deal with. It’s one of the most common reasons for missed days of work and one of the most prevalent causes of disability. However, annular tears, a prevailing cause of back pain, are not as well known as they should be. Considering that this … Read more

Is Shoulder Bursitis Surgery Necessary?

shoulder bursitis surgery

Bursitis affects about 9 million people in the United States, making it a fairly common condition. Ironically, the function of the bursae is to facilitate smooth and pain-free movement but when they become irritated and inflamed, the bursae can make movement limited and painful. If you or someone you know are suffering from this difficult … Read more

Common Injuries for Overhead Athletes & Tips to Prevent Them

overhead athletes

“Overhead athletes” refer to any athlete that participates in a sport that requires moving their upper arm and shoulder in an overhead arc. The most common overhead sports include baseball, softball, basketball, football, tennis, volleyball, and swimming. Participating in these sports places athletes at increased risk of shoulder injury because they require rapid and repetitive … Read more

How to Treat a Tendon Injury With Tenex Tenotomy

how to treat a tendon injury

Tendon injuries are very common. In fact, in the US, 33 million musculoskeletal injuries are reported each year, 50% of which involve tendon and ligament injuries. It’s no surprise that patients wonder how to treat a tendon injury. Unfortunately, tendon injuries can affect any person at any age and any fitness level. In addition to … Read more

How to Prevent and Avoid Common HIIT Injuries

hiit injuries

High-intensity interval training sessions, more commonly known as HIIT workouts, have become very popular. For anyone not familiar, HIIT workouts typically involve short sessions of high-intensity effort followed by recovery time. HIIT workouts can easily be modified for every person’s needs, which has likely added to its popularity. In addition to this, HIIT workouts have … Read more

Do I Need Surgery for a Herniated Disc? Non-surgical Herniated Disc Treatment Options

herniated disc treatment

Herniated discs are unfortunately common among adults and surgery is typically considered the most effective treatment. However, there are options besides surgery that provide effective options for herniated disc treatment. In this article, we’ll be discussing by non-surgical and non-invasive treatments are the best option as well as the issues that traditional surgery poses. What … Read more