Common Injuries for Overhead Athletes & Tips to Prevent Them

overhead athletes

“Overhead athletes” refer to any athlete that participates in a sport that requires moving their upper arm and shoulder in an overhead arc. The most common overhead sports include baseball, softball, basketball, football, tennis, volleyball, and swimming. Participating in these sports places athletes at increased risk of shoulder injury because they require rapid and repetitive … Read more

Morton’s Neuroma: What It Is, What Causes it, and Minimally Invasive Treatment Options

morton's neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition that affects many people. However, it’s 8 times more common among women than men, and largely affects adults between 30 and 60. It has the potnetial to stop sufferers from participating in the sports they love or simply continuing their active lifestyle. Unfortunately, open surgery is considered the most … Read more

Using Ultrasound Guided Nerve Hydrodissection to Treat Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

ulnar nerve entrapment

Ulnar nerve entrapment is a condition that affects the ulnar nerve, one of the three main nerves in your arm. Your ulnar nerve can become compressed or irritated for various reasons, but when this happens, it’s known as Ulnar Nerve Entrapment. Your ulnar nerve reaches from your neck down to your hand, which is why … Read more

Orthopedics in Philadelphia: Successful Treatment for Sports Injuries and More

orthopedics in philadelphia

Orthopedics in Philadelphia, especially when provided through non-operative and minimally invasive procedures, provides a way for patients to get successful treatment for all kinds of orthopedic and sports-related conditions without having to undergo traditional surgery. In this article, we’ll discuss what orthopedic doctors do, the conditions they typically treat, and the orthopedic treatment options available … Read more

Minimally Invasive Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Delaware County

carpal tunnel syndrome treatment

Each year, there are more than 3 million cases of carpal tunnel syndrome in the United States. However, this common condition can also be unfortunately debilitating. It’s disruptive and difficult to live with, but there is good news for those suffering from this condition: open surgery is not the only way it can be successfully … Read more