5 Benefits of Daily Walks

benefits of daily walks

Many people tend to write off walking as a “pointless” exercise or as one that doesn’t accomplish much. That’s not really true, though. Walking on a regular basis offers both mental and physical health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. The best part? It’s free and easy to work into your daily … Read more

Common Injuries for Overhead Athletes & Tips to Prevent Them

overhead athletes

“Overhead athletes” refer to any athlete that participates in a sport that requires moving their upper arm and shoulder in an overhead arc. The most common overhead sports include baseball, softball, basketball, football, tennis, volleyball, and swimming. Participating in these sports places athletes at increased risk of shoulder injury because they require rapid and repetitive … Read more

Common Winter Injuries & How to Prevent Them

winter injuries

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, almost 200,000 people sought medical attention for winter injuries in 2018. These were injuries like sprains, strains, fractures, and back and neck injuries, caused by sports like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, sledding, and tobogganing. Sports aren’t the only cause of winter injuries, though. Frostbite and hypothermia also … Read more

How to Prevent and Avoid Common HIIT Injuries

hiit injuries

High-intensity interval training sessions, more commonly known as HIIT workouts, have become very popular. For anyone not familiar, HIIT workouts typically involve short sessions of high-intensity effort followed by recovery time. HIIT workouts can easily be modified for every person’s needs, which has likely added to its popularity. In addition to this, HIIT workouts have … Read more

6 Benefits of Stretching (Even if You’re Not Working Out!)

benefits of stretching

Stretching is something you can do quickly, easily, and without any expensive equipment, so why do so many of us leave it out of our routine? You probably know that stretching is good for you, but it’s a part of exercise that’s easy to forget about. There are so many benefits of stretching, though, and … Read more

Morton’s Neuroma: What It Is, What Causes it, and Minimally Invasive Treatment Options

morton's neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition that affects many people. However, it’s 8 times more common among women than men, and largely affects adults between 30 and 60. It has the potnetial to stop sufferers from participating in the sports they love or simply continuing their active lifestyle. Unfortunately, open surgery is considered the most … Read more

Tips to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis in Athletes

prevent plantar fasciitis

Every year, more than 2 million people are affected by and treated for plantar fasciitis, making it the most common cause of heel-related pain. It can affect anyone that is on their feet for significant periods of time, such as athletes, but it largely affects runners, due to the fact that it is an overuse … Read more

What Are My Options for Patellar Tendonitis Treatment and How Can I Prevent It?

patellar tendonitis treatment

Patellar tendonitis, more commonly known as jumper’s knee, is an unfortunately common condition affecting athletes. It’s especially common among athletes in jumping sports, but even recreational athletes can develop this sports injury. For those currently struggling, are patellar tendonitis treatment options available that don’t require surgery and significant downtime? Or better yet, can any steps … Read more

Sports Injury Prevention Strategies Include Overcoming the Fear of Reinjury

sports injury prevention strategies

In an article from Outside, journalist Christine Yu discussed the effects of the fear of reinjury. When discussing sports injury prevention strategies, dealing with and overcoming this fear can’t be ignored. Oftentimes, these fears aren’t taken seriously, even by the people experiencing them, because mental barriers aren’t considered important. However, although fear is a mental … Read more

How to Prevent Back Injuries During Sports & Activities

Regardless of fitness level, back injuries or pain are one of the most common complaints of those who lead an active lifestyle. In addition to this, whatever your sport or activity of choice, you are at risk of developing a back injury. This is why taking steps for the prevention of a back injury is … Read more