How Can I Avoid Traditional Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Surgery?

posterior tibial tendon dysfunction surgery

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a common condition affecting many adults over 40 years of age, regardless of their level of activity. However, it also affects many athletes involved in high-impact sports. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction surgery is often used to provide patients with relief from pain, but most of the methods used to treat … Read more

Common Injuries for Overhead Athletes & Tips to Prevent Them

overhead athletes

“Overhead athletes” refer to any athlete that participates in a sport that requires moving their upper arm and shoulder in an overhead arc. The most common overhead sports include baseball, softball, basketball, football, tennis, volleyball, and swimming. Participating in these sports places athletes at increased risk of shoulder injury because they require rapid and repetitive … Read more

How to Treat a Tendon Injury With Tenex Tenotomy

how to treat a tendon injury

Tendon injuries are very common. In fact, in the US, 33 million musculoskeletal injuries are reported each year, 50% of which involve tendon and ligament injuries. It’s no surprise that patients wonder how to treat a tendon injury. Unfortunately, tendon injuries can affect any person at any age and any fitness level. In addition to … Read more

How to Prevent and Avoid Common HIIT Injuries

hiit injuries

High-intensity interval training sessions, more commonly known as HIIT workouts, have become very popular. For anyone not familiar, HIIT workouts typically involve short sessions of high-intensity effort followed by recovery time. HIIT workouts can easily be modified for every person’s needs, which has likely added to its popularity. In addition to this, HIIT workouts have … Read more

Tenex Tenotomy: How the Tenex Procedure Offers a Minimally Invasive Option for Tendon Pain & Injuries

tenex procedure

Whatever your activity level, you may participate in activities that put you at risk of developing chronic tendon pain. Even something as small as repetitive clicking of a mouse can lead to a condition like tendinosis. But if you’re suffering from tendon pain, is it possible to get treatment without traditional open surgery? At the … Read more

Torn Meniscus Repair vs. Removal: Does Meniscus Removal Increase Risk of Osteoarthritis?

meniscus repair

The meniscus plays an important role in movement that most of us probably take for granted. Without the help of these pieces of cartilage, it’ll be difficult to have much success in any sport. Unfortunately, meniscus tears are an incredibly common injury among athletes, both professional and recreational. In the past, a torn meniscus was … Read more

Tips to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis in Athletes

prevent plantar fasciitis

Every year, more than 2 million people are affected by and treated for plantar fasciitis, making it the most common cause of heel-related pain. It can affect anyone that is on their feet for significant periods of time, such as athletes, but it largely affects runners, due to the fact that it is an overuse … Read more

Getting Treatment for Achilles Tendon Pain & Everything Else You Should Know About Achilles Tendon Injuries

treatment for achilles tendon pain

Located in the back of your heel, your Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in your body. This tendon connects the heel bone to the calf muscle. Tendons are bands of fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones and aid in the exertion of force from muscles. The Achilles tendon helps you move … Read more

Orthopedics in Philadelphia: Successful Treatment for Sports Injuries and More

orthopedics in philadelphia

Orthopedics in Philadelphia, especially when provided through non-operative and minimally invasive procedures, provides a way for patients to get successful treatment for all kinds of orthopedic and sports-related conditions without having to undergo traditional surgery. In this article, we’ll discuss what orthopedic doctors do, the conditions they typically treat, and the orthopedic treatment options available … Read more

What Are My Options for Patellar Tendonitis Treatment and How Can I Prevent It?

patellar tendonitis treatment

Patellar tendonitis, more commonly known as jumper’s knee, is an unfortunately common condition affecting athletes. It’s especially common among athletes in jumping sports, but even recreational athletes can develop this sports injury. For those currently struggling, are patellar tendonitis treatment options available that don’t require surgery and significant downtime? Or better yet, can any steps … Read more